Speech Therapy
Communicating our thoughts, feelings and ideas is integral to developing human relationships. A child's learning, play, and family interactions can be significantly impacted by speech, language, or feeding impairments. At Pediatric Rehabilitation & Wellness our speech language pathologists have training and experience in a variety of approaches to improve a wide range of communication and feeding challenges.
At PRW we treat clients with the following speech pathology diagnoses:
Articulation disorders
Receptive, espressive, and pragmatic language disorders
Verbal apraxia
Swallowin/feeding disorders
Hearing loss
Neurological communication disorders
Phonological disorders
Phonemic awareness skills
Resonance issues as a result of cleft lip and palate
Voice disorders
Fluency (stuttering)
Tongue thrust
Autism spectrum disorders
Our Master's level, nationally certified speech language pathologists are experienced with the following techniques:
Augmentative communication devices including Tobii/Dynavox
Kaufman Apraxia treatment
Auditory verbal therapy
Contact us to schedule an evaluation if you feel your child might need help in any of these areas.